Context No. 20 (Summer 2000–2001)
All links are to downloadable PDFs
Front Matter
- Jane Stanley. Bricolage in the Music of Elena Kats-Chernin
- Timothy Stevens. Transcription and the Investigation of Model-based Jazz Performance: A Case Study and an Unprovoked Defence
- Dan Bendrups. The Liminal Researcher in Ethnomusicology: An Approach to the Study of Latin American Migrant Music
Composer Interviews
- Anna Goldsworthy. Whipping Up a Storm—Composing Batavia: An Interview with Richard Mills
- Jillian Graham. Collaboration in Creation: An Interview with Nigel Westlake
- Tony Gould. Bruce Johnson, The Inaudible Music: Jazz, Gender and Australian Modernity
- Ros McMillan. Richard Vella, Musical Environments: A Manual for Listening, Improvising and Composing
- Thérèse Radic. Warren Fahey, Ratbags and Rabblerousers: A Century of Political Protest, Song and Satire
- Chris Dench. Thomas Reiner, Semiotics of Musical Time
- Lewis Foreman. Ross Laird, Sound Beginnings: The Early Record Industry in Australia