Context No. 38 (2013)
All links are to downloadable PDFs
Front Matter
- Jessica Black. Goodwill Tour or Cold War Competition? The Portrayal of Cultural Exchange in the American Press
- Roderick McNeill. Two Australian Symphonies in One Movement: Horace Perkins’s Elegiac Symphony and Felix Gethen’s Symphony in E-flat
- C.V. Quinteros. The Ascetic Model of Discipline as a Pedagogical Approach in Music
- Catherine Sarah Kirby. Percy Grainger the Feminist
Research Report
Composer Interview
- Gordon Kerry. Music (La musique)
- David Tunley. Thérèse Radic and Suzanne Robinson, eds, Marshall-Hall’s Melbourne: Music, Art and Controversy 1891–1915
- Roland Bannister. Linda Barwick and Marcello Sorce Keller, eds, Italy in Australia’s Musical Landscape
- David Pear. Sarah Collins, The Aesthetic Life of Cyril Scott
- Alexander O’Sullivan. Christopher Mark, Roger Smalley: A Case Study of Late Twentieth-century Composition
- Ellis Jones. Linda Kouvaras, Loading the Silence: Australian Sound Art in the Post-Digital Age
- Ken Murray. Walter Aaron Clark and William Craig Krause, Frederico Moreno Torroba: A Musical Life in Three Acts
- Robert Stove. D. Kern Holoman, Charles Munch
Notes on Contributors