Context No. 21 (Autumn 2001)
All links are to downloadable PDFs
Front Matter
- David Maw. Machaut’s ‘Parody’ Technique
- Adam Chapman. Lexical Tone, Pitch and Poetic Structure: Elements of Melody Creation in Khap-lam Vocal Music Genres of Laos
- Nissim Ben-Salamon. A Comparative Study of the Penitential Poem Adon Haselihot, Sung in the Babylonian-Jewish Tradition in Four Communities
Composer Interviews
- Matthew Bieniek. Leaving the House of Modernism: An Interview with Martin Bresnick
- Wez Prictor. Teetering on the Brink of Tonality: An Interview with Neil Kelly
Research Report
- Jan Stockigt. The Other Side of the Coin: Catholic Liturgical Music in Lutheran Saxony During Bach’s Era