Editorial policy

Context Aims & Scope

The aim of Context is to provide a forum for the publication of material concerning all aspects of music and to encourage discussion of a broad range of issues. Context is a publication of the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music and is fully peer-reviewed. It draws on University of Melbourne staff and graduate students to form the Editorial Committee. Context accepts contributions from all sectors of the academic community, including academics and independent scholars; however, it is particularly interested in providing a forum for the publication of research by graduate students.

Context publishes one issue per year, released in February.

The journal is fully open access with no manuscript processing fees. Its publication is supported by the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music and The University of Melbourne.

Context publishes papers in the following disciplines: musicology, ethnomusicology, music analysis and theory, music therapy, music education and composition.

It accepts contributions as follows:


  • Articles submitted to Context should contain an element of original research. Preference will be given to articles 4,000–6,000 words in length. See the guidelines for contributors for further information.

Research Reports

  • Music scholars are invited by the Editorial Committee to contribute reports on current research projects. These are normally 1,000–2,000 words in length.


  • The committee invites suitably qualified scholars to review recent books or printed music for Context. Unsolicited reviews may also be considered for publication. Reviews are normally 1,000–2,000 words in length.


  • Interviews with composers or other music practitioners will be solicited from appropriate persons by the committee. Interviews should be focused and formal in nature, rather than discursive or promotional, and should be of substantial length (up to 4,000 words). Expressions of interest for unsolicited interviews may also be considered (please contact the Editorial Committee Coordinator). Interview subjects should be chosen on the basis of being Australian or having some suitable Australian connection.
  • Alongside a composer interview, it may be appropriate to include an excerpt of a score, or the score of a short work, with an accompanying exegesis by the composer.

Peer Review Policy

Context peer reviews articles on a double-blind basis. After initial screening by the Editorial Committee, anonymised copies of the article are sent to two referees. The committee reserves the right to reject a contribution without sending it to readers. The referees selected are of an appropriate level for the paper submitted, taking into account the seniority and experience of both authors and readers.

Based on the advice received by the two referees, the committee will accept; accept subject to major or minor revisions; suggest the author revise and resubmit their article for a second round of review; or reject the submission. The Editorial Committee Coordinator will communicate the outcome to the author, usually within three months of submission (in the event of significant delays in this process, authors will be notified). The committee’s decision is final.

Accepted submissions will be subject to copyediting and typesetting, and page proofs will be sent to authors for final approval.

Research reports, reviews, and interviews are reviewed by the Editorial Committee only.